Who We Are
The St Vincent de Paul Society Conference at Our Lady of Mt Carmel is part of a worldwide Catholic lay organization that helps people in need. We are not special people; we are ordinary Christians, a “network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness, and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.” We meet every other Monday afternoon in O’Brien Hall for about an hour and a half. The meetings begin with a prayer and a spiritual reading, followed by discussion of the specific needs of our neighbors and other business.
What We Do
We give assistance to families and individuals in Mill Valley, Sausalito and Marin City who have requested our help. We visit them in their homes; this visit is at the heart of what we do. It is through the home visit that we bring friendship andcomfort to our neighbors and ascertain their needs. We listen to them withempathy, and we help in concrete ways, such as paying rent or utilities and giving them food, clothing, furniture and other necessities. If we cannot assist them, we help them to identify other possible resources. We often deal with eviction notices and utility shut-offs; our priority is always to keep people housed and the power on.
Most importantly, we pray with them. Sometimes the neighbor says the prayer, and it can be the most beautiful and heartfelt prayer you have ever heard. Sometimes we say the prayer. But always the act of being prayed for is very meaningful for both the neighbor and the Vincentians.